Welcome to the international Conference Viroid 2025- Viroids and Viroid-like RNAs to be held in Bari,
Italy from September 22th to September 24th at the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Piazza Cesare Battisti, 1 -
70122 Bari (Italy).
The International Conference VIROID 2025 will provide a great opportunity to share and exchange knowledge
and experience and discuss the advances in the expanding field of viroids and viroid-like RNAs.
Till only a couple of years ago, these circular and infectious RNA elements were only known in plants
(viroids and viroid-like satellite RNAs) and animals (hepatitis delta and hepatitis delta-like viruses).
The recent identification of viroid-like RNAs in fungi (including ambiviruses, hybrids between viroids and
viruses), human microbiome (the obelisks), and in metatranscriptome libraries from different ecological
sources, has extended the host range of these infectious agents to kingdoms other than plants and animals,
showing their huge biodiversity and ubiquity and, thus, arousing a general scientific interest.
We believe that the International Conference Viroid 2025 - Viroids and viroid-like RNAs will
be a great opportunity to promote scientific advances in this field.
This web portal will be constantly updated with the specific information about the scientific program, the registration process, social events and travel and accommodation information.