• +39 080 5043737
  • info@viroid2025.it


Call for Abstract

Authors are requested to send abstracts by June 27th, 2025, as an email attachment at info@viroid2025.it.
To assist in the programming of the meeting, authors must specify their preferred form of presentation (oral communication or poster) when sending their abstracts. The choice is not binding.

Abstract Submission Guidelines
Use the Word program (Font: Times New Roman, single-spaced).
The text, in English, must contain (in the following order):
- Title: title of abstract (written in bold letters, font size 15).
- Author(s): Initial of first name followed by surname, initials in uppercase, without academic title (written in bold letters, font size 12); underline name of Author who will present the work.
- Affiliation: name and address of institution(s) (font size 11). Add e-mail address of Author who will present the work.
- Abstract text (font size 12)
Maximum length: 1 page

Abstract Deadline

Deadline Date

27 June 2025

Oral Communication

The time limit for oral communications is 20 min, including discussions (15 min talk followed by 5 min discussion).


Poster dimensions should be 70 cm. (width) x 100 cm. (height).